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Sex chat inc now has chatroulette style cams

Sex chat incs website now has a sex chatroulette style cam feature for any adult to use anytime!  We wanted to offer a free sex chat roulette cam for awhile now and finally after awhile debating which program to use so we went with one that seems to work very well and offers lots abilities. So now any legal aged adult can get naked on our free adults only cams.

If you have any problems using the new adults only free cam we feature ,let us know we have not tested it on all on browsers and platforms so it may not show up or work on every internet connected device and are interested in knowing which ones it does and does not work, so thanks for any heads up.

Sex chat inc launches online sex super store!

We here at sex chat inc have just launched an online sex super store for adult shoppers to buy online sex toys, adult dvds, apparel, and other adults only novelties for a very cheap price. For those adults looking to get that perfect gift for a partner or just for themselves our store offers everything a sexually active adult could want, at internet only prices.

Take a browse of our sex super store and see for your self why you and so many other will be buying from us. And its not just the prices but the selections we have that will keep you coming back for more and more. We hope you will enjoy our new sex store as much as we did making it.

Sex Chat Inc & Live Sex Chat Inc

As you may see in the top left hand sidebar is an live streaming video from our sister site . We decided when we first started this online venture to separate the two free and paid sex chat options giving our users the ability to do what they wanted instead of cramming the two together on one site.

As features just paid sex cams but they do offer a sneak peek so to speak as you can talk in the free chat rooms but if you want private time and the model to get need than you need to pay. Other the other hand features primarily free sex chat options with a link or two to paid chat services. As of today we have a free chat room, forums and cams on our site but are in the process of adding more chat rooms and options as time goes on.

We get a lot of questions and comments about the connection between these two sites and so we figured we would make it clear in this blog post yes we are together and for the reason above!

Sex chat inc gets translated into 10 languages

We are very proud to announce today that sex chat inc now has 10 translated versions online, just click on the button in the bottom left hand sidebar and select your language and the website will appear in the language you choose. Right now we have added 10 new translations but more are planned for the future so if you do not see yours yet do not worry odds are we will have it in the next couples of months and will do follow up posts about it when we add more each month.

This was a HUGE undertaking by our staffers here and we hope that our visitors will enjoy viewing the website in there native tongue.  Should you see a mistake in a translation we offer please by all means let us know so we can fix it, thanks. Any on topic questions or comments are always welcome so by all means leave them if you have them.

Hello and welcome to the newest sex chat blog!

Hello and welcome all you adults to the newest and soon to be the best sex chat blog on the web Here we plan on talking about all things sex chat related including our fabulous one of a kind website. I give major props to our team for putting together such a awesome website for adults to communicate with one another on by offering a minimalistic approach to it. instead of slamming everyone with ads and advertisements we strive on doing the opposite and never run ads in any of chat rooms.

We appreciate all the positive and even the negative feedback we get from users as long as it is constructive as we have fixed many of things and added many of things over the time to the website because of it and rely on word of mouth when it comes to our website visitors and hope all you that enjoy our website will continue to spread the word.