Getting more social, hope you will join us!
We are getting in on the whole social thing this month by setting up twitter account and facebook along with some others we may announce when they go live but for now we wanted to go in search of the formats that people are using to chat and see if we can not get them to come and chat with us/you. We were excited to see our Google plus profile surpassed 10,000 views since we set it up and over 50 of you have joined in our circles thus far which is way awesome as we had no idea so many of you used Google+. We will be updating all our social profiles more often as well as this blog to keep you up to date on all the changes coming on our website as we have many planned.
That sounds great because I spend most of my time online now searching a search engine but rather surfing Facebook and Twitter and I look forward to liking your business on both.