Sex Chat Inc now offers a java sex chat room.
Sex chat Inc now offers all our users the ability to chat Java style in our new java sex chat room. After some comments and suggestions sent in by some of our users we decided to start up a java sex chat room here on Sex Chat Inc. Our other free sex chat room runs off of AJAX and many people were having problems not being able to access the free sex chat room as there browser does not support that type of plugin. After testing out various java chat room platforms from different vendors of the software we decided to go with as they not only offer a java chat room but also a flash chat room.
All the same rules apply to the java sex chat room that were in the free chat room and we ask that all users abide by them and our terms of service while using the new java sex chat room. If any has any problems accessing the new java chat room or has any suggestions please leave them here. And as always we hope that you will enjoy this new feature on our website as much as we did bringing it to you.